1.   The revenue crisis has led to rising unemployment and fewer new government jobs.

2.   The prospect of Turkish involvement against Armenia in support of Azerbaijan, pitting Turkey against Russia in the conflict, prompted C.-in-C.

3.   Bonds were little changed today, sustained by renewed expectations the Asian crisis will lead to a slowdown in global economies and inflation.

4.   But as soon as the Iranian officials returned, the Embassy crisis led to their overthrow.

5.   But environmentalists and community activists fear that the current crisis could lead to ramrodding through too many new plants, without concern for their impact.

6.   Concern has grown that the crisis could lead to a European-wide slump in demand for beef, forcing costly EU measures to aid farmers.

7.   Emotional and physical crisis inevitably led to vocal crisis as well.

8.   Even if the current crisis leads China to swifter infrastructure construction, more efficient government or better banks, it will inevitably slow the modernization of the financial system.

9.   He said the California crisis has led the corporation to review its power consumption practices nationwide, and find a way to run efficient operations without lessening shopping experiences.

10.   Her crisis leads her to examine her troubled history with men, including her father.

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crisis + v. >>共 514
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erupt 2.44%
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